My Music

Cortni Bird – My Music
New Projects New EP Release

This album is very personal for me!
Click here to preview my newest songs

cortnipic45I’ve never felt like I fit in with other people. I always felt like I stood out and I didn’t know why. People always open up to me with their difficulties in life. I believe deeply in friendships and always being there for the ones I love… (And maybe I have therapist written across my head). My friends know they can trust me, and who better to discuss life’s challenges with than a country music singer and song writer. Of course, while they open up to me and I support them, they don’t realize they are supporting me. They are inspiring me. I see life in a different way from most. I take the celebrations and disappointments and translate it into music that reaches the heart and sooths the soul. The truth is, I am the crazy, wild hearted, fire cracker that can’t be tamed!

These days life is an incredible whirlwind of adventure and unexpected twists and opportunities! I write. I sing. I dance. I love, and I never stop. I work on the Northwest Florida Manufactures Council, support the Veterans Affairs Council, and interview incredible talent on the show “Backstage with Cortni” resulting from a random meeting with Paul Vizard on a dreary December following a Florida business Summit. That one little meeting led to a discussion of a music video, which somehow led to the CMA stage.

Life is an incredible adventure!

It is full of joy and hurt, physical and emotionaljourneys, and most of all…opportunity. Quite simply, I LOVE life and can’t wait to see what the next turn brings my way.

I love my fans. Whether I’m singing to my puppies on the sofa, or an audience of thousands music is my heart…and as the old saying goes, “the heart wants what the heart wants!”

I guess all I can say to summarize this adventure and my new album is:
Get ready world. Here Comes Cortni Bird!
Click here to preview my newest songs
